The Running Wine Mom


Welcome to The Running Wine Mom site, dedicated to providing information and resources on fitness and parenthood. My platform is designed to support moms and dads on their journey towards achieving their fitness goals, while also balancing the demands of motherhood.

Our blog features a wide range of articles, written by experienced fitness experts and moms, covering topics such as pregnancy fitness, postpartum recovery, healthy nutrition, and mental health. I aim to provide practical tips and advice, along with personal stories and inspiration, to help moms stay motivated and on track.

Our podcast features conversations with women and men in the fields of fitness, nutrition, and parenting, as well as inspiring moms who share their own experiences and insights. Our podcast episodes cover a range of topics related to motherhood and fitness, including pre- and postnatal fitness, managing stress, and balancing self-care with parenting responsibilities.

In addition to our blog and podcast, we also offer a variety of other resources, including workout plans, healthy recipes, and community forums where parents can connect with one another and share their experiences.

My goal is to provide a supportive and informative platform that empowers parents to prioritize their health and wellness, while also embracing the joys and challenges of parenthood!


Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.